Thursday, March 8, 2012

Well that was an expensive day!

Yesterday turned out to be a rather expensive day.  I spent the morning shopping for work clothes because nothing I have fits and I start back to work on Monday.  Shopping was, in one word, a nightmare, especially for pants.  My waist and legs are literally two completely different sizes.  Despite trying on no less than 20 pairs of pants, I could not find one pair that looked right.  Either they fit in the legs and could not be buttoned, or fit in the waist and looked baggy and ridiculous in the legs.  So, work friends, if you see me wearing the same dresses week after week, just go with it. :)

After Bill got off work, we had to shop for a new computer.  I know some people could survive without a home computer for a little while, but I am not one of those people.  Bill diligently worked on the other computer, but in the end, the coffee prevailed.  That was one expensive cup of coffee!  Bill has now made a rule that I cannot have food or drink by the computer.  My thoughts:  Well, that settles it. I am excited to be going back to work. How am I suppose to sit at the computer without a cup of coffee?  Impossible.

Anyway, after spending way too much money yesterday, Evan and I are taking it easy today.  Originally I planned to send him to daycare so that I could finish any last minute shopping and errands before work starts on Monday, but it is going to rain all day, and besides, my bank account cannot handle any more shopping!  So, my sweet little man and I are going to relax at home.  My favorite kind of day.

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