Sunday, March 18, 2012

Things I "need"

Disclaimer - This will be a completely random post.  Unless you are considering buying me a gift, then this post might actually come in handy. :)

I spend a lot of time on the internet.  I love to read blogs, mainly about running, health and cooking healthy recipes because they inspire me.  I also love to read craft blogs for the same reason.   However, reading these blogs has exponentially expanded the things I "need".  Don't you just love when you find a product that you didn't even know about, but now think your life is incomplete without it.  Like I am not truly living because I do not have x, y, or z.  Yes, I realize that I am easily influenced and the perfect consumer target for any ad agency, but aren't we all.  Please tell me I am not the only one you sees a restaurant commercial and can think about nothing else until I eat there.  I've been thinking about Olive Garden soup and salad lunch for weeks!

Anyway, back to the things I need:

1. Cappuccino Maker

I really do not think this even needs an explanation.  If you do not think that waking up to a delicious cappuccino sounds like heaven, I'm not sure why we are even friends.  I have to fight a mental battle every morning not to stop at Starbucks or even more expensive, Coffee Slingers, for a $5 cup of coffee.  If I had this (and a barista), I would probably save money in the long run. Maybe Bill could be my barista.  Bill the Barista, or Barista Bill.  I like it.

2.  Foam Roller
I run and I run often.  But, apparently I am not a real runner because I do not foam roll.  Based on what I've read, if my legs knew what they were missing out on, they would probably go on strike and let me fall flat on my face when I get out of bed tomorrow.  This foam roller is only $20, so I should probably just buy it, but I would have to spend my budgeted miscellaneous money on it, and I usually reserve that money for overpriced coffee and junk food.  Sorry legs, maybe next month. 

3.  Make Me Healthier Rice Cooker

OMG this little gadget makes me squeal.  It is a rice cooker on steroids.  You can cook anything in this, including all types of rice and grains, and even oatmeal.  The best thing about this little beauty is its timer.  That's right, you can set it for when you want it to begin cooking.  How much healthier would you be if you had hot brown rice or quinoa (my new favorite word) waiting for you when you got home.  Bill and I love to eat steel cut oatmeal, but it takes forever to cook and is time prohibitive during the week.  Not with this thing.  Set it up at night and you have hot oatmeal waiting for you in the morning.  The $150 price tag isn't looking so outlandish now, huh?  Didn't think so.

4.  Garmin Forerunner

They say that running is a cheap sport.  All you need is a pair of running shoes and the road.  That is so not true.  If you want to be a real runner, you must have a Garmin.  Yes, I know I know, there are all kinds of apps for iphone that will track your distance and pace.  I've tried them, and they are not accurate.  At least not as accurate as the Garmin.  Particularly in my neighborhood, where my cellphone loses signal constantly.   The Garmin also give you pace per mile, which my iphone app currently does not do.  Anyway, sometimes you just do not want to be connected to your cellphone while out on a run.   All you want is a pair of running shoes and the road, and an awesome running watch.

This list of things I need could go on and on, but I think four is good for tonight.

What about you?  Anything you think you must have?  Anything that I must add to my list?  

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