Sunday, April 1, 2012

A year later

It was exactly one year ago today that Bill and I found out that I was pregnant.  It seems so long ago, yet I remember it like it was yesterday.  I was getting dressed for boot camp and decided to take a pregnancy test even though I wasn't suppose to take it for a couple more days.  I just thought, what the heck, it will be negative and I can go about my day.  Only it was positive and it was awesome.  

Since that day, and especially since Evan was born, I have been pretty critical of my body.  Things are not going quite like I imagined in the weight loss department and it is really easy to get down on myself.  Not today!  Today, I am going to be thankful and amazed at what my body can do.  Just think, in one year, my body went from this: 

to this: 
(OK, that is HUGE)

and back to this: 

All, while helping this guy grow from this: 

to this:

to this: 

So today, I am not discouraged.  Today, I am proud.  Damn proud, in fact. And if that means I am carrying around 20 extra pounds and more stretch marks than I care to share with the rest of the world, than so be it.   Sometimes life is more than skinny jeans, flat tummies, and fast race times.  At least today, any ways. 

1 comment:

  1. Yay for you!! I've not started the mommy/losing weight part of all of this, but I completely understand. I'm equally awed and grossed out by what my body has done to bring this wonderful gift into our lives. I'm glad you found pride in the amazing accomplishment of bringing Evan into this world for everyone else to love.

    Keep up the good work! -Jenna
