Friday, April 13, 2012

Baby mysteries

I am the queen of Google, or googling I guess I should say.  I actually take pride in the fact that I can find just about anything one Google.  I have used it for work, to find crafting projects and cheap how-tos, and this week, I have earned my Ph.D with an emphasis in pediatrics using exclusively Google.  Let me save you some time, when it comes to all things related to baby, their sleep problems, and medical issues, GOOGLE IS NOT YOUR FRIEND!

Since Friday, Evan has reverted back to his newborn sleep patterns.  And, I don't mean my one month old sweetheart who slept for 6 hours at night.  I'm talking about this one:

I have no idea why this has happened.  I had a few theories before I started researching via Google.  Now, I have several. Lets list them:

1.  He would prefer to eat in a dark quiet room, so he wakes up at night wanting to eat.  Not sure I buy this because it is not as if he is waking up once for a feeding, getting full then sleeping like the little angel I know he is.  No, we are talking every hour and a half max folks. 

2.  I'm spoiling him and have created sleeping associations that make it difficult for him to fall back asleep when he goes through natural REM and non-REM sleep cycles.  Now, in theory, this could be true.  I hold him too much for some book's liking, I rock him to sleep (GASP), and I generally do what I can to make him happy. 

 I tested this theory on Tuesday night but putting him in bed with me after his first waking of the night.  As awesome as I may be, turns out he is not waking up to cuddle with me each night. He still woke up the same amount, if not more. 

3.  No more baby burrito (aka, I don't want to be swaddled).  OK, so this didn't really come from Google, but more from my screaming, raging child when I attempted to zip him in the halo sleep sack, but it turns out that Evan is so over the swaddled. Hello mom, I am almost four months old!

However, unswaddling him did not solve our sleep problems.  Oh no, that would have been way too easy. 

4.  4 month sleep regression.  There is a school of thought that believes that babies go through a sleep regression at four months and nine months, and some other months that I cannot remember.  Here is what I think about sleep regression.  Just when you think your baby is sleeping well and you are obviously the best parent in the whole wide world because your baby sleeps better than other babies, your little tot will regress.  This will continue until adulthood.  After all, how many adults do you know who sleep well every single night?

not these two.  

5.  Your baby is learning so much and make such big developmental strides, that it is hard for him to get and stay to sleep.  It is similar to when we, as adults, have something major going on and we stay up late thinking about it.  OK, I can live with that.  Actually, that is kind of exciting.  I can lose a little sleep if it means that Evan is developing and learning new things.  Heck he may walk soon. Just kidding, but rolling over could be in the cards, right?  Wrong!  The day I read this theory in my google search, I became inspired and refreshed.  I just knew that Evan was working Einstein style and would be solving algebra problems soon.  I came home  to find this.  That's right. Evan discovered his tongue on Tuesday night after watching his Papaw all weekend.  At that point, I was 4 nights in to no sleep and simply told Bill, you have got to be kidding me!?!?! If I am losing sleep over this, I am going to kill Papaw! Turns out he has the tongue thing down pat and is still not sleeping, so Papaw you are in the clear (for now).  

6.  Teething.  Much to my surprise, it is common for babies to teeth in months 4 through 8.   I really didn't think of teething as an option until one of his daycare teachers mentioned it.  I then googled the heck out of teething symptoms.  Cranky - check. Chewing on everything - check.  Wanting to nurse more (but some want to nurse less) - check (although what does that exactly mean, either he is eating or not. Not a lot of options on this one).  drooling - check (but isn't this all babies?)  hard spots on gums - uncheck, but wait babies can show teething signs well before the tooth comes.  Well drats I have no idea if this is what is keeping my baby up.  In fact, I am only more confused thanks to Google.  I tried him teething tablets.  Not sure if they are helping. 

7.  My sweet baby is sick.  What I do know is that Evan had a fever last night.  100.1 to be exact.  I also know that I have been sick with a sore throat and aches since Tuesday morning.  I am really hoping that I did not spread this to Evan, but it seems like I may have.  Bill was home with him all day today (he was off work) and Evan was extremely cranky until Bill gave him Tylenol. After that, he seemed to be a little better but more mellow than normal.  Again, the fever and crankiness could be a number of different things, and the sleeplessness may or may not be related to the fever and crankiness.  OH GEEZ!!  Enough already.  I know now that so much of parenthood is just about waiting it out and not trying to analyze every little detail.  And of course, giving this little snuggle bug as much love as possible. 

Oh mommy, I don't feel good.

I checked his temperature again this morning and it was 99 and he seems to be a little more his cheerful, smiling self.  So hopefully whatever caused his fever last night is long gone.  I also hope we all get sleep this weekend.  And I think I am going to add my take to all the research available on Google:  why is your baby waking up at night?  Answer: your baby is, well, a baby.   They are constantly changing and just when you think you figured one thing out, a new challenge comes along.  Save yourself the time and energy and get off Google! 

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