Saturday, June 2, 2012

Life is so much better when you just slow down

I am the type of person who goes and goes and goes.  I cannot help it, it is just who I am.  It seems that I am always thinking about the next thing we have to do, the next big vacation I want to take, etc.  For example, I have three great vacations lined up for this summer.  However, this week I found myself talking with Bill about where we should go next summer. It is like my brain has to have something to think about, plan, or schedule.

Today started with Evan waking me up at 6:30.  We played for a little while and then I decided to go for my morning run.  The plan was slow, easy miles to just enjoy the morning.  True to Jodi form, I found myself halfway through the run trying to figure out how fast I could go so that the run could be over.  This is mind boggling to me since I truely love to run.  So, I made it a point to just slow down and enjoy the ride.  I made detours twice to check out neighborhood garage sales and ran down roads I had never been down before, just because.  It was great.

A little later, Bill, Evan and I decided to head to the Edmond Farmer's market.  Four peaches, pasta and a bushel of green beans later and we were ready to go.  The next step was a grocery store about a quarter mile away.  Determining to slow down and enjoy the day, I convinced Bill to walk to the grocery store, taking a detour through downtown Edmond along the way.  The walk itself was very enjoyable.  What was even better were the things we discovered on the way.  We first discovered a barber shop (with a barber's pole and everything) and Bill stopped to get a haircut.  How fun is that?!?  We also discovered the most amazing thing:

Sorry Starbucks, but we have to break up.  Its not you, its me. I have found someone new.   He's local, he's handsome, and he draws me pretty pictures:

(sorry, I wasn't able to take a picture of my coffee, but it had a heart in it, similar to the middle photo)

This is heaven.  Well, it is commonly known as Evoke, a new coffee shop in downtown Edmond. You could also call it the house of crack, because I am officially addicted and will definitely be coming back for more.   Seriously though, this coffee is just like my beloved coffee slingers in downtown OKC, but cheaper and only minutes from my house.   I had a latte with cane syrup and it made my day.  

After our short walk back to the car, Bill, Evan and I came home to cook cook up our farmer's market goods for lunch.  All bellies are stuffed, Evan is down for a nap, and I am thinking a nap sound like a great idea.  All before 2:00 p.m.  Proof that you can accomplish so much more if you just slow down!

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