Friday, July 20, 2012

All my bags are packed and I'm ready Togo

You're lucky you're not Bill and only have to read that title rather than listen to me belt it out at the top of my lungs. There is a special place in Heaven for that guy.

We are driving down to Galveston for a long weekend at the beach. You all are going to forgive me for what you read in the next sentence, OK? It's times like these when I wish the dogs could just watch themselves for the weekend. (hey, at least I didn't say I wanted to put them up for adoption.). Don't get me wrong, I love my dogs, but they make traveling so much harder!

So, I'm trying not to think about the $49 special on Southwest tickets to Houston last month, or about the fact that my family is soaking up the sun and eating homemade pizza without me. And I'm definitely trying not to think about the fact that we have approximately three hours left of this journey and my child is refusing to take a nap. Nope, instead I'm focusing on two days of uninterrupted vacation, my mom's no bake cookies and the amazing sushi I'm going to make tomorrow night.

Now for a moment of insightfulness from yours truly. You're welcome, I knew you would be interested. It's times like these (when my patience is being tested) that I remember why I run, especially long distances. Running trains your brain in ways you didn't think possible. It requires you to sit tight, focus and keep going through the motions, knowing that you will eventually get to your destination. So, to these next dreadful three hours with a crying baby and an aching butt, I say bring it! I've ran for longer than this, you've got nothing on me.

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