Thursday, May 10, 2012

30 under 30

As I mentioned in my last post, things are going to get crazy over here in my last year as a twenty something.  I'm talking stay up until 9:30 crazy.  Go to the zoo with the family crazy. And especially spending Friday night watching Dateline and 20/20 crazy.

To ensure that my life is a least a little cooler than those things, I have decided to begin project 30 under 30.  The premise is simple.  I must complete 30 things before I turn 30.  I have a list of 25. You guys must help me thing of the rest.  OK?  Here it goes.

1.  10K in under 50 minutes.
2.  Half marathon in under 2 hours.
3. pay cash for a new (to me) car.
4.  Go to New Orleans with Bill.
5. Buy a stranger's lunch.
6.  Go vegetarian for one month.
7.  Read a book to Evan every day for one month.
8.  Make sushi.
9. Ride "the" bike.
10.  Establish date night.
11. run on the beach before sunrise or with the sunrise.
12. take a cooking class.
13. attend a food festival.
14. 3 day trips to somewhere in Oklahoma
15. Take yoga once a week for at least 2 months.
16. Watch the sunset on Lake Hefner
17. Walk/Jog/crawl a half marathon with my mom.
18. Run a relay (whose with me??)
19. pick peaches (OK Sharon.  It is on the list.  It MUST happen this year!)
20. volunteer for a race. (I have thrown enough paper cups on the ground.  It is time to reciprocate.)
21. Host a dinner party.
22. Give someone flowers for no special reason
23. Read at least 5 books on the AP high school book list that I missed out on in high school
24. Mentor a lawschool student.
25. Watch at least 10 movies on AFI's 100 Years ...100 Movies list.

OK peeps, you heard me.  I need 5 more.  A couple rules.  Skydiving is off limits.  So is bunjee jumping, rock climbing, or anything else that involves insane heights.  I am a mother after all. :)  Also off limits is any extravagant vacations.  Unless your paying.  I also would rather not eat bugs, touch snakes or do any other ridiculously gross things.  Other than that, lets see what you got!!

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