Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy Easter

Holidays are so much more fun when you have kids. Their excitement is infectious.

Bill and I decided to stay home for Easter and this is the first major holiday we have spent home in a really long time. I wanted to make sure Evan enjoyed his first real Easter (he was only 3 months last year) and planned an action packed weekend.

First up was an egg hunt at Bill's former college, the University of Central Oklahoma. Or as I like to call it, the egg free of all. The eggs were not hidden but instead dumped into a field, which was separated into various section for each age group. The kids were called according to their age and we arrived just as they were calling the 0-3 group. We decided it probably wouldn't be best to force our just now starting to walk toddler compete with 30 four year olds over 1000 eggs thrown in a very small space, so we did what any respectable parents would do and stole 5 eggs when the organizers were not looking. So technically it was our first egg hunt and we are already labeled cheaters, oh well.

After the egg hunt and nap, it was eggs dying (or egg flying) time. Evan understood the egg-in-cup concept, which he incorporated with the ball throwing concept, which made for a shell-cracking good time. Ok, ok, that was corny. :). Basically his goal was to throw the egg in the cup as hard as possible. Then he wanted to see how many eggs he could fit into one cup. Lastly, he decided to combine the liquids to make one rainbow egg dye concoction. Bill and I were thoroughly impressed with his artistic skills.

Sunday Evan woke to presents from the Easter bunny and the best waffle breakfast this side of the Mississippi (well, made from a box waffles). Bill realized that we forgot to put stickers on the eggs, so he decorated Evan.

In all the chaos of travel and relaying, I completely forgot,to buy Evan an Easter outfit. Fortunately for me, Evan is an astute business man and has several ties lying around for just such an occasion.

He knew he was so cute and LOVED the attention he got at church and the grocery store afterward. Speaking of the grocery, that is one good thing about having few people celebrating the holiday -- you get to eat whatever you want. Bill grilled me a filet and him a ribeye. We also had deviled eggs, shrimp, mushrooms, asparagus, mac and cheese, cantaloupe and crescent rolls (a must for a Hantz holiday), and pecan pie muffins for dessert (which were gross). I'm pretty sure that yesterday's meal cost more than a weeks worth of groceries -- it was awesome!

While we really missed our families, we had a great Easter. I hope you all did too.

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