Saturday, September 1, 2012

8 months

Little munchkin turned 8 months on the 20th. Yes I realize that it's September 1 and this post is way overdue. To me, these are just minor details. Besides I swear that the 20th seems like yesterday. In the three weeks, we vacationed to Florida, TJ (bills cousin) visited, then his mom and sister came to visit and help out when the daycare closed for training, then his dad, other sister and her two kids came up for a visit, and now we are driving to visit my parents and meet my newest nephew. So please forgive me that this post is a little late. You people are lucky I have had time to shower.

You know what would be cool? If blogspot would write post telepathically. Not a day goes by that I don't think about blogging. Most days it's on the way to and from work. I thought about blogging while driving but then decided I like my life a little too much for that. But if this silly little blogspot app would just take down my thoughts, correcting all my spelling and grammar errors in the process, that would be awesome.

On with the point of this post -- the most adorable baby on the planet. Seriously, I should be making money off this kid.

Some things have changed over the last month, a lot has not. Evan is still tiny, doesn't have any teeth, loves to be nursed at night and sleeps in our bed at some point every night (no complains from me). He still wears 3 - 6 month clothes and size 1 shoes.

But, he's growing rapidly in other ways. He says mama, dada (although not as often, yay me!), hi, bye and shakes his head no. I'm not sure if he knows what any of those actually mean other than the shaking head business he learned from daycare. He will let you know when he doesn't want to do something - imagine a bobble head on a little body (his head is rather large) shaking back and forth ferociously. I try to get him to do something, he shakes no, I start laughing, he starts laughing. Clearly discipline is going to be a problem in this house.

He is a champ at standing up and is beginning to act like he wants to crawl, taking one to two scoots on his knee before giving up.

And finally the biggest new of all, and what I was most afraid of for the past 8 months, he is now on formula at daycare. It started when he had a nasty ear infection and fever for 8 days (have I even had a chance to write about that? I cannot remember. If not, stay tuned for the cutest leapersy baby in the world). I was so busy taking care of him and trying to get work done that I didn't have time to pump, so he had to have formula twice while home with Bill. And you know what, it wasn't that bad. At least nothing to be afraid of. I am still in the breast milk is best camp, but I do appreciate having my life back a little. Besides, Evan holds his on bottle and feeds himself, which is about the cutest thing ever.

Anyway, that's what we've been up to for the past month. Hopefully I will be able to upload his 8 month pictures when we get home. Until then, feast your eyes on this little cutie:

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