Thursday, February 21, 2013

Thirty under Thirty

I've learned a lot about myself in my twenties.  I like to make list.  And not complete them.

Things are actually going OK in the Thirty under Thirty department.  I thought we could have a status update, a check-in if you will.

So here are the things I have completed:

1. Half marathon in under 2hours - nailed it. (and hoping to do so again next weekend).
2.  Buy a car - forget the remainder of this goal.  We scratched that off remember?
3. Go vegetarian for one month.  That was actually fun.
4.  Make Sushi.  This was really fun, particularly because it involved my favorite su chef.
5.  Run on the beach before sunrise or with the sunrise. I did this.  Sort of.  I mean if you count walking as running.
6. Volunteer for a race.  Completed.  Can't say it was fun.  Does that make me selfish.  Don't answer that.
7.  Read a book to Evan every day for a month.  This is well established.  Insert visual of Evan doing sign language for book here.

OK, so I recognize that it is February, and I recognize that my birthday is in May.  Let's just all think positive, mmm K?

Here are the things I really think I have a shot at.  

8. Buy a stranger's lunch.  Certainly I can do this. The problem is, I kind of feel like a stalker, creepy person.  I mean who do you choose?  Instantly, this person is going to be like who are you and why are you watching me eat?  This would be much easier in a drive thru, that is if I went through drive thrus.  Does Starbucks count as lunch?  I will do this, eventually.

9.  Ride "the" bike.  You know the one.  It ripped me apart, broke my heart and shattered all my dreams of ever completing a sprint triathlon on our very first day together.  I actually almost completed this task last weekend. Then I started working in the flower beds.  Procrastination at its finest.

10.  Take a cooking class.  I actually forgot about this one.  Still want to do this.

11 and 12.  Attend a food festival/three day trips in Oklahoma -  oh yes, we are multitasking.  This should get completed. The dates are already on the calendar.  In fact, the first trip is scheduled for this Saturday during my mom's visit.  Fried oysters here we come.

13.   Take yoga once a week for at least two months.  I went to my first yoga class on Monday.  I promise to post more about it soon because basically I received a free private lesson -- SCORE.  I am hopeful that I can keep this up as my Monday lunch routine.

14. Watch the sunset on Lake Hefner.  This task is likely going to go something like this.

J:  Bill, come on, it is May 4th, my birthday is tomorrow and it is only one stupid sunset.
B:  Evan said he will go with you.
J:  no romance, I tell ya, no romance.  ;)

15.  Run a Relay.  This is happening on March 23 and 24th.  I CANNOT wait to blog about.   Bill is our driver for over 24 hours and Ashley and I will be operating on little to no sleep.  Expect video footage of this baby.

16.  Give someone flowers for no special reason.  I have someone in mind.  Three someones in fact.  You will find out soon enough.  This one has actually been pretty difficult.  I feel like I am choosing people here.  So, if I promise to put a virtual flower on the blog, will you guys not get mad at me if I don't send you flowers.  I promise if I could afford it, I would send flowers to all of you who read this.  All 8 of you.

17.  Mentor a lawschool student.  This is in the works.  I have had lunch with a couple and have spoken with the school administration about becoming more involved.  I look forward to more of this.

18.  Watch at least 10 movies on AFI's 100 years .. 100 Movies list.  This will most likely be an up all night adventure on May 4th.  After Evan and I's sunset date, of course.

19.  Hot air balloon ride.  Birthday present, maybe.  Here's looking at you, Mr. C.

20.  30 days of thankfulness.  OK, so this one is laughable.  Does anyone remember the three post I did here, here and here?   Well, that was about all the thankfulness I had in me in August.  Once the ear infection turned rash kicked in, there didn't seem like much to be thankful for. Maybe I will just do some thankful in one word post on the blog.  That should be fun.

21.  Volunteer at a food bank.  Not much to say here. Will happen.

22.  Host a dinner party.  Sharon, Beth, are you listening? Wanna come over?

23.  Read at least 5 books on the AP high school book list that I missed out on in high school.  I can do this. If I can find the list.  

And now for the Jodi that was a little ambitious of you, things that will likely not get done post.

24.  10K in under 50 minutes.  Tried this once in the past year.  It didn't go so well.  I may try again in the next few months.  Who knows.

25. Go to New Orleans with Bill.  I envisioned turning 30 in NOLA with Bill by my side, gumbo in my belly and jazz music in the background -- Jazz Fest is the weekend of my birthday after all.  Very fun and also very expensive.  It just isn't in the cards this year.  Oh well, maybe Bill will take his shirt off and let me throw beads at him from the backyard.

26.  Establish date night.  Truthfully, I haven't felt much pressure or desire to do this.  Bill and I hang out together a lot.  We have a great time and love to be around Evan too.  Evan goes to bed at a decent time (usually 8), and we spend time together after that.  If I did this, I think I would be forcing it.

27.  Walk/jog/crawl a half marathon with my mom.  Anyone who knows my mom knows she is entirely too busy for my running shenanigans.    There is always life after retirement, right?  Surfside beach, 2014?

28.  Pick peaches with Sharon.  Peach season too short.  Not my fault.  ;)

29.  Run this City Challenge.  This will still happen. Just maybe not before I'm thirty.  Right Carlie?

30.  That's just it, I have NO thirty.  Help me people.

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