Sunday, February 26, 2012


As most of you know, I somewhat not so diligently maintained a blog during my pregnancy.  I'm currently in the process of creating a book out of that blog. Looking through the draft of that book reminds me of how grateful I am I took time out to document those moments that occurred not so long ago, yet seem like a distant memory.  Many things I wrote about during pregnancy I had forgotten until rereading my blog posts.  I love reflecting on those memories.

Anyway, the pregnancy blog has inspired me to create a family blog, hence the title, The Cole Chronicles.  The goal for this blog is simple: maintain an online journal of the events happening and Bill, Evan and I's life.  I know that it will be easier to keep track of the memories if I write them down frequently, and lets face it, I am at the computer at least 75% of the time, so digital will be best for me. I hope to document our vacations, my adventures in running and working out, Evan's milestones, and most likely, the nuances of our everyday life.  The only guarantee I can make is randomness.  This blog will be full of it because that is how my brain works.   Also, similar to the pregnancy blog, I will plan to make a book at the end of each year, which will include any comments that you guys add to the blog.  So, please, please comment.

The funny thing is, I know exactly the steps I need to take to reach this goal.  Think BLOG first.  Thus, I am committing to myself that before I get on Facebook or Pinterest, I will update the blog.  Having memories written down that our children can look back on is certainly more important than reading someone's 80 status updates or pining the craft I probably will never get around to making.  This doesn't mean I will not keep up with those websites.  I will, especially Pinterest, because I LOVE Pinterest.  But, from here on out, I will be thinking BLOG FIRST.

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