Tuesday, February 26, 2013


We all need them.  Some make more than others.  I tend to be one of those people that make lots of goals.

And with that, lets talk about the Little Rock Half Marathon.

I am writing these goals down so that (a) I can bore you guys to death, (b) I have a blog post and do not get in trouble by Mr. C (I really think he needs a blog name, any suggestions), and (c) so that I can feel accountable come Sunday.  Sometimes it is too safe to keep goals in your head for these goals are easily modified.  Slap a goal on a blog for the world to see, and instantly the pressure is on.


1.  2 -3 mile warm up before the race.  May seem silly, but in preparation for the OKC marathon in April, I really need to get 16 miles in on Sunday.  I have never ran before a race before, but this is a goal I hope to meet.
2.  Run negative splits.  This is a big one.  Negative splits simply means you run the last half faster than the first.  It also means you ran a smart race.  And I like to be smart.  I have had my fair share of starting out way too fast, and I am trying to get better about that.

3. Keep a positive attitude.  So much of racing is mental.  It is easy to get negative in the last few miles of a race when your body is tired. I cannot tell you the number of times I have let negative thoughts creep in.  For this race, I am making a deliberate effort to remain positive.  You is kind. You is smart. You is important.  And, You is fast.

4.  Finish in 1:55.  This is certainly doable based on my current training.  It will take mental focus, especially since I am running alone, but if I can do this, I will feel pretty confident in my OKC marathon training to date.  It should also give me a good picture of what I am capable of come marathon time.

Now for the big decisions, what to wear?  Why is it that I always feel like I need a new outfit before a race?

Any races coming up for you guys?

Anyone want to run a race with me?  We could have a reunion of sorts.

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