Monday, December 17, 2012

Happy Birthday To Me (a post from Evan)

Don't tell me its not my birthday.  Its my party and I'l  turn one if I want to.

Truth is, I wanted lots and lots of people at my party, so I begged my mom to have it when we were visiting Louisiana for Thanksgiving.  I pretty much get whatever I want so, of course, she agreed.

After much deliberation, I decided that I needed to have a year in a flash birthday party.  Considering that my mom constantly has a camera in my face and I am already negotiating my first modeling contract, it was pretty much a no brainer.

I worked my charm on my aunt MeMe and talked her into hosting my party (Thanks Meme).  Then I had a long talk with my Aunt Ashley and explained to her how much my mom needed her help in making sure my party was the bomb diggity (do people still say that, or is it just my mom?).  Ashley understood and thanks to her, the decorations and cupcakes were awesome.  Without Ashley, my first birthday would no doubt have been held in a ball pit next a scary clown with red hair and big feet.

I enlisted the help of an amazing photographer (hi Andre) and planned a perfect photo booth for all my guests.  Hey, I figure if I have to get my picture taken everyday by the momarrazi, the least these people could do was take a few pictures for my birthday.  I gave them photo props, so I think they had fun. 

My parents are dorks and my mom needs to iron her shirt, but man I am cute!

We also had lots of snacks, and frito chili pie (thanks Aunt Manny).  

There was enough food there for 1000 people and we didn't have any left overs, so I am assuming it was good.  I wouldn't know, I was too busy tasting cake for the first time.

WOW, that was delicious.  Oh, and all you relatives who are supposedly looking out for my best interests, want to explain why you have been holding out on me for so long?  You could have slipped me some of that sugary goodness a long time ago.  I am not sure I can forgive you for holding out on me.

I also got lots of great presents for my birthday, which I have been enjoying ever since.

Mom tells me that I have to wait an entire year before planning another birthday.  Is that true or is she just trying to deprive me of cupcakes and frosting goodness?


  1. Evan went for it with his cake, Belle would only dap one finger in her's! The difference between boys & girls! I hope they will get to meet soon!

    1. Ha! It did take a little convincing. :) Me too!
